Manufacturing cost of Agarbatti
1kg Premix (Masala) =26/-
1kg Sticks =136/-
Raw Material for 1kg raw Ag. = 750gm Masala+250gm sticks
= Rs. (20+ 35)
=55/- (Raw Material)
Total Prod. Cost =Raw Mat. + (Transport+ Electricity)
=55+ (2)
1 kg Raw Agarbatti. = Rs.57/-
= Rs.57/kg (We further maximize it to Rs.57/kg Approximate)
Sale Value of Raw Agarbatti:
Net Profit =72-57 =15/kg
Minimum Production =75 kg / per day
Net Profit/Day =15 x 75 = 1125 Rs. / Per Day
Monthly Profit from Raw Ag. = 1125 x 26 Days
= Rs. 29250 /Month
Sales value of local Market =Rs. 68 to 70/kg
Net profit = Rs. 15/kg (Average)
Net Profit/Day = 15 x 75 = Rs. 1125/Day
Monthly profit from Raw Ag. = 1125 x 30 days
= Rs. 33750/ Month
1 kg finished Ag. Cost Price = 57+62+80 (Perfuming Packing+ Raw Ag Cost) = Rs.199
Now calculating Selling Price for 1 Kg Finished Ag. In Rs. 10 MRP Box.
No. of Sticks in 1 kg Ag. = 800 Sticks
No. of Stick per box (Rs.10 box) = 20 Sticks
No. of Boxes made in 1 kg =800/20 = 40 Boxes Approx.
1 kg Costing = 40*10 = 400/-
Retailer/Wholesaler margin, i.e. 30 % of 400 = 120/-
Lessing Retailer/Wholesaler margin from 1 kg costing = 400-120 =280/-
1 Kg Ag Selling Price Cost Calculation of Rs. 10 Boxes = Rs.280/kg
Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
Profit/kg = 280-199 = Rs. 81/kg
Profit/Day = 81*75 = Rs. 6075/day
Profit/Month = 6075*30 =Rs. 1, 82,250/Month
Manufacturing cost of Agarbatti
1kg Premix (Masala) =26/-
1kg Sticks =136/-
Raw Material for 1kg raw Ag. = 750gm Masala+250gm sticks
= Rs. (20+ 35)
=55/- (Raw Material)
Total Prod. Cost =Raw Mat. + (Transport+ Electricity)
=55+ (2)
1 kg Raw Agarbatti. = Rs.57/-
= Rs.57/kg (We further maximize it to Rs.57/kg Approximate)
Sale Value of Raw Agarbatti:
Net Profit =72-57 =15/kg
Minimum Production =80 kg / per day
Net Profit/Day =15 x 80 = 1200 Rs. / Per Day
Monthly Profit from Raw Ag. = 1200 x 26 Days
= Rs. 31200 /Month
Sales value of local Market =Rs. 68 to 70/kg
Net profit = Rs. 15/kg (Average)
Net Profit/Day = 15 x 80 = Rs. 1200/Day
Monthly profit from Raw Ag. = 1200 x 30 days
= Rs. 36000/ Month
1 kg finished Ag. Cost Price = 57+62+80 (Perfuming Packing+ Raw Ag Cost) = Rs.199
Now calculating Selling Price for 1 Kg Finished Ag. In Rs. 10 MRP Box.
No. of Sticks in 1 kg Ag. = 800 Sticks
No. of Stick per box (Rs.10 box) = 20 Sticks
No. of Boxes made in 1 kg =800/20 = 40 Boxes Approx.
1 kg Costing = 40*10 = 400/-
Retailer/Wholesaler margin, i.e. 30 % of 400 = 120/-
Lessing Retailer/Wholesaler margin from 1 kg costing = 400-120 =280/-
1 Kg Ag Selling Price Cost Calculation of Rs. 10 Boxes = Rs.280/kg
Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
Profit/kg = 280-199 = Rs. 81/kg
Profit/Day = 81*80 = Rs. 6480/day
Profit/Month = 6480*30 =Rs. 1, 94,400/Month
Manufacturing cost of Agarbatti
1kg Premix (Masala) =26/-
1kg Sticks =136/-
Raw Material for 1kg raw Ag. = 750gm Masala+250gm sticks
= Rs. (20+ 35)
=55/- (Raw Material)
Total Prod. Cost =Raw Mat. + (Transport+ Electricity)
=55+ (2)
1 kg Raw Agarbatti. = Rs.57/-
= Rs.57/kg (We further maximize it to Rs.57/kg Approximate)
Sale Value of Raw Agarbatti:
Net Profit =72-57 =15/kg
Minimum Production =100 kg / per day
Net Profit/Day =15 x 100 = 1500 Rs. / Per Day
Monthly Profit from Raw Ag. = 1500 x 26 Days
= Rs. 39000 /Month
Sales value of local Market =Rs.72 to 75/kg
Net profit = Rs. 15/kg (Average)
Net Profit/Day = 15 x 100 = Rs. 1500/Day
Monthly profit from Raw Ag. = 1500 x 30 days
= Rs. 45000/ Month
1 kg finished Ag. Cost Price = 57+62+80 (Perfuming Packing+ Raw Ag Cost) = Rs.199
Now calculating Selling Price for 1 Kg Finished Ag. In Rs. 10 MRP Box.
No. of Sticks in 1 kg Ag. = 800 Sticks
No. of Stick per box (Rs.10 box) = 20 Sticks
No. of Boxes made in 1 kg = 800/20 = 40 Boxes Approx.
1 kg Costing = 40*10 = 400/-
Retailer/Wholesaler margin, i.e. 30 % of 400 = 120/-
Lessing Retailer/Wholesaler margin from 1 kg costing = 400-120 =280/-
1 Kg Ag Selling Price Cost Calculation of Rs. 10 Boxes = Rs.280/kg
Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
Profit/kg = 280-199 = Rs. 81/kg
Profit/Day = 81*100 = Rs. 8100/day
Profit/Month = 8100*30 =Rs. 2, 43,000/Month
Manufacturing cost of Agarbatti
1kg Premix (Masala) =26/-
1kg Sticks =136/-
Raw Material for 1kg raw Ag. = 750gm Masala+250gm sticks
= Rs. (20+ 35)
=55/- (Raw Material)
Total Prod. Cost =Raw Mat. + (Transport+ Electricity)
=55+ (2)
1 kg Raw Agarbatti. = Rs.57/-
= Rs.57/kg (We further maximize it to Rs.57/kg Approx)
Sale Value of Raw Agarbatti:
Net Profit =72-57 =15/kg
Minimum Production =65 kg / per day
Net Profit/Day =15 x 65 = 975 Rs. / Per Day
Monthly Profit from Raw Ag. = 975 x 26 Days
= Rs. 25350 /Month
Sales value of local Market = Rs. 68 to Rs. 70/kg
Net profit = Rs. 15/kg (Average)
Net Profit/Day = 15 x 65 = Rs. 975/Day
Monthly profit from Raw Ag. = 975 x 30 days
= Rs. 29,250/ Month
1 kg finished Ag. Cost Price = 57+62+80 (Perfuming Packing+ Raw Ag Cost) = Rs.199
Now calculating Selling Price for 1 Kg Finished Ag. In Rs. 10 MRP Box.
No. of Sticks in 1 kg Ag. = 800 Sticks
No. of Stick per box (Rs.10 box) = 20 Sticks
No. of Boxes made in 1 kg =800/20 = 40 Boxes Approx.
1 kg Costing = 40*10 = 400/-
Retailer/Wholesaler margin, i.e. 30 % of 400 = 120/-
Lessing Retailer/Wholesaler margin from 1 kg costing = 400-120 =280/-
1 Kg Ag Selling Price Cost Calculation of Rs. 10 Boxes = Rs.280/kg
Profit = Selling Price – Cost Price
Profit/kg = 280-199 = Rs. 81/kg
Profit/Day = 81*65 = Rs. 5265/day
Profit/Month = 5265*30 =Rs. 1, 57,950/Month